
EXPORT BAG SIZE:70 kg (154.32 lbs)
MAIN PRODUCING REGIONSAntioquia, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Huila, Nariño, Santander, Tolima
GENETIC VARIETIESCaturra, Colombia, Castillo, Typica, Bourbon
HARVEST PERIODMarch – June, September – December


It’s thought that coffee was first brought to Colombia as early as 1723 by Jesuit priests. Because the climate, elevation, soil, and rainfall of the central mountain region are near perfect for growing coffee, Colombia has grown to become the third-largest exporter of coffee in the world and coffee has shaped the development of the Colombian economy as perhaps no other single industry: providing the impetus for a rail system, generating and expanding internal markets, and providing an influx of foreign currency.

Because of its geography and micro-climates, Colombia can produce a wide range of flavor profiles and has regions in production year-round. Here at Lumiere, we spend a great deal of time with our partners each year searching for those special lots of coffee.

Source: Atlas Coffee Importers Ltd.


Beans from Columbia can have a distinct profile, bringing together a mild citrus-like acidity, strong notes of caramel, and a slight nutty undertone. Being medium-bodied with a mellow sweetness, Columbia brews can be argued to be represent some of the most the quintessential coffee flavours that many Canadians wake up to in the morning.

At Lumiere, our beans are imported raw, then roasted, ground, and brewed fresh in house. Our roasting profiles are designed to capture the essence of each type of coffee bean, and are tailored to bring out the best characteristics possible.

What We Recommend

While most of our the roasts lean more towards the light side, for Columbia, we would recommend trying a cup of our dark roasted Drip Coffee.